The World You Control

"It's like we talked about. You control this world. Let the pain go, let the hurt go, let the guilt go. What you're imagining right now, that world you control. That place can be as real as any pain."
-Dr. Vera Gorski, Sucker Punch.
The World You Control is a blog by Lizz Matthews, who studies psychology- dealing with depression, anxiety, and addiction to self-mutilation.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Welcome to The World You Control.

So... Hello.
My name is Elizabeth Matthews. I am a writer, musician, and actress from North Carolina. I have decided to start blogging after seeing my best friend Madison Kimrey ( get noticed for her opinions on politics and just society in general. She has inspired me to do what I've always wanted to do and make a change in the world. While I am not interested in politics as much as Madison is, I want to speak up and start doing what I feel is right. It does not have to be politics, and i may not get as far as others, but I am determined to be heard. So here I go.

As a teenage girl I have come across far more drama than people think I do- seriously. Also facing issues with self confidence and bullying, I have met many people who have considered me their "savior" for helping them through depression and self hatred. Really what I would like to do is get my message out that you are not alone. No matter what you do, there is always a person that has dealt with the same (or similar) issue(s) that can help you through whatever it is. Depression and suicide are sensitive subjects, yes, but I am comfortable with speaking about it and helping the ones going through it.

My friend Kaylee and I have started a program called Our Princesses- a group of suicidal and depressed teenagers who just need to know people care about them and love them. I have successfully saved and inspired more than 10 people and knowing that isn't a lot is okay. I've made a difference, but I plan to make a larger one.

Now, don't worry. This blog will not be just depressing posts. I have a lot of subjects I feel very strong about and I would love it if you would join in my fight.

I love you.

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