The World You Control

"It's like we talked about. You control this world. Let the pain go, let the hurt go, let the guilt go. What you're imagining right now, that world you control. That place can be as real as any pain."
-Dr. Vera Gorski, Sucker Punch.
The World You Control is a blog by Lizz Matthews, who studies psychology- dealing with depression, anxiety, and addiction to self-mutilation.

Thursday, December 11, 2014


So here's your music:

As we all may know, I have my own views on life.
I'm an atheist. 
We all know that i believe in science. Science is my everything.
So... Does that mean I dont believe in a... Purpose?
What is the meaning? What is meant to be? Nothing.
Life just kind of occurred. It just happened. There is no plan. This isnt a game of sims. 
Hell, i wish it was a game of Sims.
Love sucks.
It really does.
I wish this life was the original Sims... You, the player, picks who this person is. They create them. They pick who is going to "woohoo" and all that.
That isn't life. 
We're all accidents-
Not saying your dads condom broke or anything-
Saying that this wasnt supposed to happen. Nothing was meant to happen. There is no meaning, cant you see?
Now while you're sitting there being your cute little optimist self, saying that God put you on Christian Mingle to meet your true love, I'll sit back here, the realist, laughing. 
Laughing because its inaccuracy is astonishing.
This was not supposed to happen. It just happened.

So... While describing this to a guidance counselor... He asked me:

If this is what you believe... Since we're already here.... What do you want to accomplish in your life?

*slow clap*
Mr. T, well... I dont know.

After telling him i didnt know... He asked me what made me happy.
I dont know what makes me happy.

Later on i was speaking of love. I realized... Love makes me happy. Love does.
I told him i guess i wanted to find love.
I dont believe in love. But thats a whole different post, see soon.
How the hell am i supposed to find happiness, if the only thing i think will make me happy is love, and i dont believe in it.

Life. Sucks.

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