The World You Control

"It's like we talked about. You control this world. Let the pain go, let the hurt go, let the guilt go. What you're imagining right now, that world you control. That place can be as real as any pain."
-Dr. Vera Gorski, Sucker Punch.
The World You Control is a blog by Lizz Matthews, who studies psychology- dealing with depression, anxiety, and addiction to self-mutilation.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

All About That Bass

Hello glorious friends!

It is your master, Lizzery.


So today we shall be talking about body types, insecurities, all that snazzy jazz.

So I have an... Odd body type. I'm skinny, like really skinny. Most people would tell me to stop bragging but I honestly HATE my body. Like I despise my body. It sickens me. 

If you've seen me all up close and personal, you'd see I have like no curves. I've just recently discovered sexy = curvy and not sexy = you look like you've been photoshopped. 

I'M NOT CURVY. I'M... THIS. *gestures to ugliness*

Okay curvy girls, I know you're so pissed at me right now. You may want to look like a "photoshopped-to-look-anorexic-but-not-sooo-anorexic" woman, but you're stunning! Why would you want to look like me, a girl who doesn't even eat lunch most of the time?!

People starve themselves to look like me. I honestly hate it. I hate it so much. You're gorgeous! Please don't hurt yourself. Honestly I've been trying to gain weight to be curvy, not way too skinny. 

I understand that there's two types of people, women that love their bodies, and women that hate them.

Most women dislike their bodies. It's sad. I'm one of them. When people tell me to name something about myself I like I can't even think of one thing.

Society is ruining everyone.

I hate myself because I cannot be what is really attractive.

But I also understand that everyone has a different type. Hopefully one day someone can love me from my personality all the way to my looks.

And I swear to you, one day somebody will love you from your personality all the way to your looks and you'll love them too and you'll have an adorable relationship and adorable pets and adorable-

I should stop.

Goodbye my love!

Lizzery to the Misery

I like my shoes.

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