The World You Control

"It's like we talked about. You control this world. Let the pain go, let the hurt go, let the guilt go. What you're imagining right now, that world you control. That place can be as real as any pain."
-Dr. Vera Gorski, Sucker Punch.
The World You Control is a blog by Lizz Matthews, who studies psychology- dealing with depression, anxiety, and addiction to self-mutilation.

Saturday, September 6, 2014


Hey friend!
So yesterday I found this pretty awesome note in a binder of my aunts poetry that I wrote to myself in like May of 2013.
If you've read some of my other blog posts or know me quite well, May of 2013 was the month that my family found out about that guy I had been seeing. Seeing meaning he was attempting to use me for... well... and I didn't get it because I had just turned 13 and he wa- is a "hormone crazed" teenage boy.
This was probably not written in May, maybe a month or so later. I didn't write the date on the paper (gah Lizz didn't Mrs.Phillips teach you to date ALL of your papers?!) but I believe it was a bit after the "incident" due to old diary entries saying I was "still in love" in like June.
This note was entitled "Just Think For A Sec."
The note pretty much said "no gurl i don't needs no mayun"
... Just not like that.
For privacy reasons I shall call him Billybob and his girlfriend Jeanette.
Excuse the grammar, I typed it how it was written.

Just Think For A Sec.Do you need a guy to make you happy? Lizz, you have Teri, and your distant friends, and your music. You have yourself. Be glad Jeanette gets Billybob. You said he was perfect but, what about him was perfect? He had the looks down, the humor, and the taste in music. But let's think about this: Do looks really matter? Wasn't he always taking your spotlight with his humor? Didnt he say Pierce The Veil, your third favorite band, was gay s**t? Plus, was he as geeky as "The Perfect Guy" was? No. Sure he liked Science, and Runescape, and even Pokemon, but wasnt he always making you seem stupid? Remember how he said nice things sometimes but most of the time it was just "Yep" or "Indeed" Well, for now all you need is that one close friend, and yourself to make you happy. Not a hormone crazed boy whos kisses meant he cared for you for a while. You don't need a boy, darling. -Lizz
Binette? Jillybob?
Oh sorry, ship names.
Hey, I was mature for a 12 year old.
Okay I was 13 but I had JUST TURNED 13.

This is pretty awesome though, I have to admit. Little Lizzery don't need no mayun.
So I just wanted to show you ladies (and gentlemen) you don't need a significant other to make you happy. 
They were probably a d-bag if you're not together anymore anyways.

Love and Lil Bub!

This song is Flakes by Mystery Jets, I soo love them right now <3.

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